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Find out how Nomeno Enhanced protects you from signs of skin ageing as you reach menopausal age.

Antioxidant Rich

Estrogens have been shown to increase collagen, elastin, vascularization and skin thickness. Many women report a sudden onset of skin aging several months after menopausal symptoms begin. The menopause causes hypoestrogenism, accelerating age-related deterioration, which results in thinner skin, an increase in number and depth of wrinkles, increased skin dryness, and decreased skin firmness and elasticity.

Estrogens have been shown to increase collagen, elastin, vascularization and skin thickness. Many women report a sudden onset of skin aging several months after menopausal symptoms begin. The menopause causes hypoestrogenism, accelerating age-related deterioration, which results in thinner skin, an increase in number and depth of wrinkles, increased skin dryness, and decreased skin firmness and elasticity.

Reduces Skin Pigmentation

Hormonal pigmentation is most common in women as it appears as irregular patches of brown skin on the forehead, cheeks, upper lip, chin and nose and is more commonly seen in people with darker complexions. It is not dangerous but can be unsightly and embarrassing for those who suffer with it. It usually occurs during times of hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy, menopause or hormone imbalance.

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You don't have to
age fast and you know it

$95 SGD 

Nomeno Enhanced gives you the essence of youth, stay young at heart and young in health.

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